
The RISE model operates as a stand-alone calculation engine, accessible via Web API, per the specifications set forth in this document. It is worth noting, however, that calculations are expensive, as at least 10,000 scenarios are projected for each model execution. To facilitate this, Milliman is leveraging Microsoft Azure cloud technology in order to provide the scale necessary to support any number of simultaneous requests. In turn, the RISE model is highly parallelized in order to “dial in” processing power for fast results on any single execution. In addition, RISE is backed by a an enterprise relational database, which is designed to store model assumptions (scenario returns, DIA pricing, etc.) as well as profile-specific inputs and execution statistics.

Specific Microsoft Azure configurations include:

  • .NET Web API hosted as as Azure App Service
  • SSL Enabled
  • Load Balancer
  • Auto-scaling
  • Standard D4 v2 VM Class for Processing
  • Hosted in the Central US Data Center (Geo-redundancy available)