Product Endpoint

The web service will also provide endpoints to obtain product information and other analytics via HTTP GET. The details provided in the response to the product listing request are intended to relate to product identifiers included in the response from successful model invocations, and may be useful for display and/or local caching purposes. The products endpoint will take the following form:


If the URL path includes an id, detailed product information for that ID will be returned; if not, then a collection of all products and their corresponding IDs will be returned.


The income security module web service also provides an endpoint for retrieving product information via HTTP GET. The details provided here tie to the product identifier included in GET responses. Note that the JSON example provided in the last section of this document conveys the overall structure of the get output payload - this table is meant to detail the individual data points, complete with data type, allowable values, defaults, etc.

The JSON response will always return a collection of product detail records. If a product ID is specified as a parameter in the URL path, the collection will contain only one entry on success; if no ID is specified, the collection will contain entries for all products. In either case, the structure of the response will remain the same (i.e., a collection of objects of type product detail).

Parent Object Name Description Data Type Required Allowable Values Default Value
data id Unique identifier for the response document. Integer Yes N/A N/A
data type The type of response. String Yes “products N/A
data attributes Dynamic list of product attributes (varies by product type). Variable Yes For example, a DIA will have: issueAge (0 - 120), withdrawalage (0 - 120), allocation (0 - 1.0) N/A
meta copyright Static copyright text. String Yes N/A N/A
meta version The current version of the RISE web service. String Yes [Major].[Minor].[Revision].[Build] N/A