Analytics Endpoint
The details provided in the response to the analytics request are intended to provide detailed information for each scenario modeled, included income sources, expenses, account value, inflation, returns, and supportability ratios. These data are available upon request as full provision with the initial response would be expensive. The endpoint will take the following form:
-{id}-{strategy}-{scenario} (development)
-{id}-{strategy}-{scenario} (production)
In general, these analytics are designed for graphical representation as visualization helps with understanding. The data returned by the web service will remain as a json document. However, it may be useful to consider how one might chart the results. In demonstrations, Milliman FRM has leveraged both DevExpress and the Kendo UI library by Telerik. An example of the latter, using javascript, to graph the risk profile returned by the RISE web service is as follows:
function renderRiskChart() {
title: {
text: "Risk Composition"
legend: {
position: "bottom"
seriesDefaults: {
labels: {
visible: true,
background: "transparent",
template: "#= category #: \n #= value#%"
series: [{
type: "pie",
overlay: {
gradient: "none"
data: [{
category: "Inflation Risk",
value: inflationRisk // From the Web service response
}, {
category: "Longevity Risk",
value: longevityRisk // From the Web service response
}, {
category: "Market & Sequence of Returns Risk",
value: returnsRisk // From the Web service response
The URL path asks for a profile id, one of three strategies (also in the form of an id), and the scenario in question (1-1000).
-{id}-{strategy}-{scenario} (development)
-{id}-{strategy}-{scenario} (production)
The income security module web service also provides an endpoint for retrieving analytics by scenario via HTTP GET. The details provided here tie to the profile, strategy, and scenario identifiers included in GET requests.
Parent Object | Name | Description | Data Type | Required | Allowable Values | Default Value |
data | type | The type of response. | String | Yes | “products” | N/A |
data / attributes | Timestep | Year of projection. | Integer | Yes | 0 - 120 | N/A |
data / attributes | VAGLWB | Projected income provided by variable annuities included in the strategy. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | DIA | Projected income provided by deferred income annuities included in the strategy. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | Savings | Projected income provided by the savings portfolio. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | OtherIncome | Projected income provided by other incomdee sources, such as social security. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | Needs | Projected expenses. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | EquityReturns | Percentage returns on equities for the given scenario. | Decimal | Yes | 0 – 1.00 | N/A |
data / attributes | BondReturns | Percentage returns on bonds for the given scenario. | Decimal | Yes | 0 – 1.00 | N/A |
data / attributes | AccountValue | Projected account value. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
data / attributes | Supportability | Calculated supportability ratio the ability of profile funding to support expected needs. | Decimal | Yes | 0 – 1.00 | N/A |
data / attributes | Inflation | Percentage inflation included in the scenario. | Decimal | Yes | N/A | N/A |
meta | copyright | Static copyright text. | String | Yes | N/A | N/A |
meta | version | The current version of the RISE web service. | String | Yes | [Major].[Minor].[Revision].[Build] | N/A |